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Yuukianura aphoruroides (Orange springtails)

Yuukianura aphoruroides (orange springtails) for sale

Yuukianura aphoruroides, Bilobella braunerae, orange springtails for sale, available, in stock
Yuukianura aphoruroides (orange springtails).

Yuukianura aphoruroides information

Origin: Spain.
Scientific name: Yuukianura aphoruroides
Basionym: –
Synonyms: Protanura aphoruroides
Family: Neanuridae (Collembola).
Common name: Orange Springtails.

Yuukianura aphoruroides with the common name Orange Springtails are small, beautiful and prolific springtails that cannot jump, like many other springtail species. Plus, they are a bit larger, with thicker bodies.

You may see them listed for sale as Bilobella braunerae. But actually the Bilobella braunerae is a new and rare springtail species, which is also much more expensive. The correct scientific name of those springtails is Yuukianura aphoruroides, the orange springtails. Thus these are two different species. The red springtails (Bilobella braunerae) are indeed red and slightly larger than the Yuukianura aphoruroides (the orange springtails).

€10,00 per 20+ springtails

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB springtails.

Yuukianura aphoruroides care

Size: adults may reach a length of 4 mm.
Activity: anytime; mostly night active.
Substrate: organic potting soil, or for best results check out our premium substrate. It should be kept damp at all times.
Temperature / Humidity: As a european springtail species Yuukianura aphoruroides does not need additional heating during winter. Temps can range from 10°C min. to 28°C max with optimal being to 22°C to 26°C. Create a humidity / temperature gradient by placing sphagnum moss at the side of the container with much less openings. Provide leaf litter or empty egg cartons for shelter.
Diet: Two to three grains of rice are sufficient for twenty individuals, to be left to mold and fine fish food (thus not pellets) should be given daily in small portions. They also eat decaying leaves and mushrooms. Fruits and vegetables may also be offered, but again in tiny portions. Food should not be offered in excess because mold will develop faster than what the springtails can consume / control. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Also a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) is a good idea, to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: easy.
Reproduction rate: prolific
Growth rate: normal to slow.

⚠️ Yuukianura aphoruroides springtails have small and soft bodies. Great attention should be given to not accidentally crush them. Even watering the substrate with a bottle of water from a distance could kill them! Rather it is advisable to water the substrate with a squeeze bottle, or with a teaspoon. Pour water from a short distance on the sides and in the center of the enclosure.

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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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