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Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’

Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ isopods for sale

Porcellio nicklesi Dark isopods for sale, in stock, available
Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ has white spots on a dark grey body.

Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ information

Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ was isolated by a Spanish isopods breeder. It has white spots on a dark grey body.

€10,00 : 5x isopods
€20,00 : 10x isopods

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB isopods.

Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ care

Origin: cultured morph
Common name: N/A
Size: adults may reach a length of 20 mm. Including the uropods they may reach an impressive length of 30 mm.
Terrarium: keep only ⅕  moist with moss and pieces of rotting white wood; covering with decaying leaves. Porcellio nicklesi ‘Dark’ isopods require a much drier setup, good air flow and adequate ventilation.
Temperature: 18 – 28°C
Humidity: 45 – 55%; they can’t tolerate high humidity.
Activity: night; early morning.
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. And 2x times a week provide a source of protein. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Also don’t forget a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: challenging to moderate.
Reproduction rate: prolific in an established colony; medium to large litters of mancae. Maturity comes after 6 months. Seasonal breeders.
Growth rate: normal

Isopoda World List

See all the Porcellio isopods for sale

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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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