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Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datca’

Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datca’ isopods for sale

porcellio flavomarginatus datca, turkey, isopods for sale, in stock, available
Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datça’ is a locality from Datça (Turkey), with a yellow skirt and yellow central spots.

Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datça’ information

Origin: Datça, Turkey.
Scientific name: Porcellio flavomathinatus
Variety name: Datca, Yellow
Basionym: —
Synonyms: —
Family: Porcellionidae
Common name: N/A

Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datca’ is a locality from Datça (Turkey), with a yellow skirt and also yellow central spots. The common Porcellio flavomarginatus has white skirt and white central spots instead.

By the way, there’s something odd. The vernacular name of the common Porcellio flavomarginatus is Yellow-bordered woodlouse. But it has a white skirt and white central spots.

€75,00 per 5x isopods

€150,00 : x10+ isopods

Interested? You can place your order here. or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB isopods.

Porcellio flavomarginatus ‘Datca’ care

Size: adults may reach a length of 25 mm. They are much larger than the common Porcellio flavomarginatus isopods.
Activity: day; night; early morning.
Terrarium: keep ⅓ moist with moss, pieces of rotting white wood and also decaying leaves. They require good air flow and adequate ventilation. It’s a social Porcellio species that when established, breeds well, although a seasonal breeder. Check out also our premium substrate.
Temperature: 17 – 26°C
Humidity: 45 – 60%
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, mushrooms, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. And 2x times a week provide a source of protein. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. They prefer less fresh leaves. Also don’t forget a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: easy to moderate
Reproduction rate: prolific, yet seasonal breeder.
Growth rate: normal
Life span: 1⅓ – 2 years.

Isopoda World List


Q: Are there any Porcellio flavomarginatus Datca with white among them?
A: No, all of them have yellow skirt and yellow color on the spine, it’s a different locality than the common Porcellio flavomarginatus isopods.

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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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