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Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’

Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ isopods for sale

porcellio sp sevilla caramel, spanish isopod, woodlouse, isopods for sale, in stock, available
Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ isopods have a sweet caramel/brown color.

Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ information

Origin: Seville, Spain
Scientific name: Porcellio sp.
Variety name: Sevilla Caramel
Basionym: N/A
Synonyms: N/A
Family: Porcellionidae
Common name: N/A

Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ is a – yet to be identified – Porcellio species native to Seville, Spain. The shape of their body is similar to the other Porcellio from the Iberian Peninsula: Porcellio selomai, but the ‘Sevilla Caramel’ are slightly larger. So perhaps they are related to those Porcellio isopods.

€2,50 per isopod

€12,00 : 5x isopods
€24,00 : 10x isopods
€57,50 : 25x isopods

Interested? → buy them on or place your order here or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB isopods.

Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ care

Size: adults can reach a length of 25 mm.
Activity: night; early morning.
Terrarium: keep only one corner moist with moss, pieces of rotting white wood and also decaying leaves. Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ isopods require a much drier setup, good air flow and adequate ventilation.
Temperature: 18 – 28°C
Humidity: 45 – 55%; they can’t tolerate high humidity.
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. And 2x times a week provide a source of protein. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Also don’t forget a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: moderate
Reproduction rate: prolific in an established colony; medium to large litters of mancae. Maturity comes after 6 months. Seasonal breeders.
Growth rate: normal

Porcellio sp. ‘Sevilla Caramel’ young and mancae.

keywords, tags: Porcellio sp. Sevilla Caramel, product, in stock, webshop, sale, nickleri, isopod, Porcellionidae, isopods for sale, isopoda, pissebedden, Asseln, isopodes, clopotres, detritivore, pill bug, woodlice, roly poly, sow bug, crustaceans, care sheet, insects

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