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Corydidarum magnifica (Emerald cockroach)

Corydidarum magnifica roaches for sale

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Corydidarum magnifica (Emerald cockroach). That breathtaking emerald beauty I had to admire up close. Irresistible beauty you can keep at home! 😍

Corydidarum magnifica information

Origin: China, Vietnam.
Scientific name: Corydidarum magnifica [1]
Basionym: Pseudoglomeris magnifica
Synonyms: Pseudoglomeris magnifica, Trichoblatta magnifica [2]
Common names: Emerald cockroach, Emerald roach, smaragd kakkerlak 🇳🇱, smaragdschabe 🇩🇪, blatte émeraude 🇫🇷.

Corydidarum magnifica is what her species epithet reveals: a magnificent living being! It’s like having a beetle crossed to a roach. But adult beetles do not live long, so you have the best alternative. And the most fascinating thing, is that you, yourself can have nymphs born live from those beauties! 🥰They need absolutely two things to thrive: bee polen and lichen. Aside that you can offer what every other roach eats: a piece of fruit, insect jelly and possibly green moss. Another great thing is that they are not in a frenzy mode (running fast) like some other roaches. Their downside – as with many other cockroach species in captivity – is that they may take more than 12 months to grow, and to eventually be able to produce their own offspring. The emerald cockroaches are great mothers. They carry their offspring under their body, until their first molt, to protect them from possible predators (see photo below).

Emerald roaches can climb vertically on smooth plastic (all stages). Females have that stunning, emerald green, wingless appearance, but males are dark green and they have wings. Males are able to fly for a few seconds, but they mostly glide from the top perches down to the ground. They also live much less than females, about one month, barely to reproduce.

If you see a roach not moving when you touch it, most probably it’s the exoskeleton of a roach that recently shed. If you pick it up you will see it’s just the thin exoskeleton. Their new body is orange, gradually darkening to purple and finally to their emerald green color, until their next molt.

€5,00 per nymph

€40,00 x10+ nymphs

Interested? You can place your order here, or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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Corydidarum magnifica care

Size: adults reach a length of 30 – 40 mm.
Activity: both day and night; mostly during the day; pairs mating at night.
Terrarium: keep ⅓ moist by spraying and with green moss. The best approach for all tropical arthropods such as isopods, millipedes, roaches is the premium substrate mix, with flake soil. Add also collected logs with lichen and after sterilization you can put them in the terrarium with the roaches. They might also need some hiding spots to go under and hide themselves, if the underside of the logs does not provide sufficient shelter for them to hide. In that case, and for a natural-looking appearance, cork bark or other tree bark pieces can be used.
⚠️ Their terrarium needs to be escape-proof, so that the adults and/or nymphs cannot squeeze through the lid and escape. Nymphs are exploring their surroundings almost 24/7, climbing everywhere. If they found a loose lid, you lost them, they are escape-artists. But either way they cannot survive in non-tropical climates.
Temperature: 22 – 29°C
Humidity: 50 – 70%
Diet: their main diet is bee polen and lichen. Apart from that they enjoy a juicy piece of some sweet fruit, like banana, mango, apple and don’t forget their weekly insect jelly. I also add limestone granules & oyster seashell in one corner of their enclosure, as they are diurnal roaches.
Can climb?: all stages can climb on smooth surfaces; an escape-proof container must be used.
Can fly?: only males.
Difficulty: moderate to challenging.
Reproduction rate: they may take more than 12 months to start reproducing. The female giving birth to about twelve to twenty dark-coloured, shiny nymphs ca. 3 mm long, that like to roam around everywhere in the terrarium, mostly climbing and exploring.
Growth rate: slow.

1. GBIF: Corydidarum magnifica.
2. Zootaxa: Pseudoglomeris magnifica synonyms.

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