
Shipping isopods and other invertebrates to Europe, EU | Food and equipment worldwide

Bat Guano for Invertebrates (millipedes, roaches, isopods etc.)

Bat Guano supplement for millipedes, isopods, roaches and other invertebrates / insects.


Arthropod diet – compared to other pets’ diets – may differ. Bat guano is a nutritional supplement of choice for many invertebrates such as isopods, millipedes, roaches, spiders and scorpions. Regarding isopods some cave isopods, such the Cubaris spp. ( Cubaris sp. Rubber Ducky for example) require bat guano in their diet to keep the colony healthy and viable. What you are getting is a premium 100% pure bat guano nutritional supplement for pods and other invertebrates.

Usage: sprinkle some bat guano in a dish and put it in the container, or sprinkle it directly onto the substrate. You use it as it is (dry). You may also make it wet.

Ideal for millipedes, pill millipedes, isopods, centipedes, spiders, scorpions, roaches and other invertebrates.

For more read the PDF document of the scientific research on the subject

Quantities and pricesPostage NationalPostage International
50 gram: €4,25€3,40 economy€5,15 economy
100 gram: €7,00€4,45 with tracking from €8,25 up to €11,50 economy
150 gram: €9,00€4,45 with tracking from €8,25 up to €11,50 economy
200 gram: €13,00€4,45 with tracking from €8,25 up to €11,50 economy

⚠️I can’t ship bat guano to the USA

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limestone cut, limestone rock, isopod, invertebrate, arthropod, Cubaris sp rubber ducky, nutrition, food, supplement, pet food, pet supplies, reptile supplies

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