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Spirostreptus gregorius (African Olive Millipede)

Spirostreptus gregorius millipedes for sale

Spirostreptus gregorius (African Olive Millipede) for sale, in stock, available
Spirostreptus gregorius (African Olive Millipede), adults have a long body.

Spirostreptus gregorius information

Current scientific name (uncertain): Spirostreptus gregorius [1]
Synonyms: Spirostreptus sp. 2
Distribution: Angola [1]
Family: Spirostreptidae
Common name: African Olive Millipede

Spirostreptus gregorius is a beautiful slender millipede with a long body, from Angola, reaching a maximal length of 120 mm. It is considered a non demanding species, and therefore suitable for beginners. They have also been offered for sale as Spirostreptus sp. 2, probably because their taxon name Spirostreptus gregorius is uncertain.

€4,50 per millipede (3 – 4 cm)

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Spirostreptus gregorius care

Size: adults reach a length of 120 mm.
Activity: mostly night active.
Terrarium: the depth of the substrate should be at least a little deeper than the total length of an adult millipede; because when they molt they need to go deep in the substrate and disappear for about a week to molt their skin.
Substrate: check our premium substrate for millipedes.
Temperature: 20 – 27°C
Humidity: 65 – 75%; they are adaptable.
Diet: lichen, moss, fruits, veggies, greens, fish flakes, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, lime, millipede food. And they enjoy the weekly insect jelly.
Difficulty: easy
Reproduction rate: prolific
Growth rate: slow
Handling: Millipedes may secrete a defense secretion when disturbed – e.g. if they are touched, for example – so it is advisable to only let them crawl onto your hand and in any case wash your hands after handling them.

Source: 1. Millibase

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