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Ostearius melanopygius

Ostearius melanopygius dwarf spiders for sale

Ostearius melanopygius information & care

Ostearius melanopygius is a dwarf sheetweb-spider in the family Linyphiidae, measuring just 4 mm long. Characteristics of this dwarf spider are the reddish orange abdomen and the extremely thin waist.

Origin: Widespread
Size: adults reach a length of 4 mm with males a bit smaller.
Terrarium: you can keep them in any terrarium with other invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles and/or plants.
Temperature: 15 – 26°C
Humidity: 45 – 70%
Activity: early morning; nighttime.
Diet: fruit flies and other small insects.
Difficulty: easy.
Reproduction rate: prolific.

Listed for sale are mixed size dwarf sheetweb spiders.


per spider

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tags: spider for sale, sheetweb spider, araña, Spinne, araignée, ragno, jumping spider, care, keeping, information

keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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