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Schizidium fissum

Species profile and notes on cultivation

Schizidium fissum isopods from Cyprus

Schizidium fissum information

Origin: Cyprus, Lebanon, S. Turkey.
Scientific name: Schizidium fissum
Basionym: Armadillidium fissum
Synonyms (unaccepted): Armadillidium bifidum
Family: Armadillidae
Common name: N/A

Schizidium fissum are small-size isopods, with a shiny black color and silver spots and markings. They are rather secretive isopods, that are mostly active during night-time. To date Schizidium fissum is the only species of the genus recorded from Cyprus. From my own experience they tend to bury into the medium during the day. When feel threatened, Schizidium fissum may play dead for more than 5 minutes.

Schizidium fissum care

Size: adults may reach a length of 10 mm.
Activity: mostly night active.
Terrarium: keep ⅓ moist with moss, pieces of rotting white wood and also decaying leaves. Check out also our premium substrate.
Temperature: 24 – 28°C
Humidity: 55 – 60%
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves. Rotting white wood should be plenty, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. As most Cubaris isopods they also love moss and lichens. They will enjoy a slightly higher protein-based diet, at least 2x times a week. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Also don’t forget a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: moderate.
Reproduction rate: fair. They breed fast when established.
Growth rate: normal.


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