
Shipping isopods and other invertebrates to Europe, EU | Food and equipment worldwide

Super Boost 1: Protein and Calcium mix for isopods and other invertebrates

Super boost protein & calcium mix grub for isopods & other invertebrates is available in 20, 50, 100 gram.


This super boost protein & calcium mix consists of freshwater baby shrimps, black soldier fly larvae, red mosquito larvae, nutritional yeast, cellulose powder, rice protein concentrate and spirulina. It’s a premium super-food for isopods, a boost for both protein & calcium (black soldier fly larvae is known for its high calcium concentrate). The insects are all dried and have a long shelf life. The mix contains about 60 percent protein and also calcium, essential micronutrients for terrestrial isopods and they are loving it!

You can offer this as a treat to all of your isopods every second day, or two days a week, depending on the specie’s protein needs.

Quantity / pricePostage nationalPostage international
20 gram: €4,10€4,45 w/ trackingfrom €8,25 up to €11,50 w/ tracking
50 gram: €7,50€4,45 w/ trackingfrom €8,25 up to €11,50 w/ tracking
100 gram: €12,00€4,45 w/ trackingfrom €8,25 up to €11,50 w/ tracking
Prices, quantities, postage

Also available:

🐞 Basic plant-based food for invertebrates
🐞 Cubaris Protein Boost: Minnows, Daphnia, Spirulina, Kelp seaweed
🐞 Multimineral supplement for isopods & other invertebrates
🐞 Protein mix for isopods & other invertebrates
🐞 Super Boost 2: Elm Bark, Hibiscus, Paprika
🐞 Super Boost 3: Egg Yolk, Artemia Shrimp

Interested? → buy them on on or place your order here or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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isopod food, isopod chow, insect food, invertebrate, arthropod, nutrition, food, supplement, pet food, pet supplies, reptile supplies

See all the food and supplements items

Cubaris protein boost for isopods
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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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