
Shipping isopods and other invertebrates to Europe, EU | Food and equipment worldwide

Limestone granules and Oyster Seashell supplement

Natural calcium for isopods, birds, reptiles, snails, hermit crabs and other pet animals.


Isopods – especially Cubaris spp. (such as: Cubaris sp. Rubber Ducky) – require lime to maintain a healthy colony and to reproduce often. Added oyster seashell is an essential calcium source for all isopods.

Except isopods millipedes require also different sources of calcium to be healthy.

Each package of 300 grams contains 150 grams granulated limestone and 150 grams of crushed oyster seashell.

Usage: add one teaspoon – or less according to the size of your isopodarium – in one corner of the enclosure. When the isopods / millipedes feel the need they go to nimble.

Thus a little goes a long way. In larger colonies however, I add a tablespoon every 4 days, or so.

Quantities and PricesPostage NationalPostage International
300 gram: €3,99€4,45 with trackingfrom €8,25, w/ tracking

Interested? → buy them on on or place your order here or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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lime, oyster seashell, isopod, invertebrate, insect, arthropod, nutrition, food, supplement, pet food, pet supplies, reptile supplies

However, for my 120 isopod and millipede species I need 2 kg of limestone granules & seashell each week! 😲
They like it a lot and they absolutely require it in their diet to keep them healthy.

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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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