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Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’

Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ isopods for sale

nesodillo arcangelii shiro utsuri, cubaris, dalmatian pattern, isopods for sale, in stock, available
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ with its beautiful Dalmatian pattern, was first introduced as Cubaris sp. ‘Shiro Utsuri’.

Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ information

Origin: cultured morph developed in Japan.
Scientific name: Nesodillo arcangelii.
Morph name: Shiro Utsuri.
Basionym: N/A
Synonyms: N/A
Family: Armadillidae
Common name: N/A

Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ with its beautiful Dalmatian pattern, was first introduced as Cubaris sp. ‘Shiro Utsuri’, but recently (in 2022) a couple isopod experts placed it in the genus Nesodillo and the arcangelii species. As an ex Cubaris species, we could say it’s one of the easiest Cubaris isopods for beginners (even if it is not a Cubaris anymore, it resembles one). The morph name Shiro Utsuri is a loan-word from the corresponding Shiro Utsuri Koi fish. In Japanese it just means “black and white”. The Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ isopods are sexually mature after 6 months.

€1,90 per isopod

€9,00 : 5x isopods
€18,00 : 10x isopods
€42,50 : 25x isopods
€80,00 : 50x isopods

Interested? → buy them on or place your order here or on Instagram 👋🏻🙂

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB isopods.

Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ care

Size: adults reach a length of 20 mm.
Activity: night; early morning
Terrarium: keep ⅓ moist with moss, pieces of rotting white wood and also decaying leaves. Check out also our premium substrate.
Temperature: 16 – 27°C
Humidity: 55 – 70%
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. And 2x times a week provide a source of protein. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Different forms of calcium should also be available for them.
Difficulty: easy
Reproduction rate: fair
Growth rate: normal to fast.

Isopoda World List

keywords, tags: Nesodillo arcangelii shiro utsuri, Cubaris shiro utsuri, product, in stock, webshop, sale, isopods for sale, isopoda, pissebedden, Asseln, isopodes, clopotres, detritivore, pill bug, woodlice, roly poly, sow bug, crustaceans, care sheet, insects

See all the Cubaris isopods for sale

keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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