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Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’

Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’ isopods for sale

armadillidium ruffoi orange skirt, ruffo's pill woodlouse, isopods for sale, in stock, available
Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’ a really beautiful isopod.

Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’ information

Origin: Verona, Italy.
Scientific name: Armadillidium ruffoi
Variety name: Orange Skirt
Basionym: N/A
Synonyms: N/A
Family: Armadillidae
Common name: Ruffo’s Pill Woodlouse (for the common A. ruffoi).

Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’ is a newly discovered locality (spring 2022) near Verona, Italy. Compared to the common – much darker in color – Armadillidium ruffoi, these have a very bright skirt that in young specimens is yellow and as the isopods age it turns orange. Also, the markings on this ruffoi locality are white, whilst the common Armadillidium ruffoi has yellow ones. This is a medium to large isopod with a beautiful shape, but it is rather shy. With large numbers however they tend to be more active.

€75,00 per 5x isopods

€150,00 : 10x isopods

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Listed for sale are mixed size CB isopods.

Armadillidium ruffoi ‘Orange Skirt’ care

Size: adults reach a length of 20 mm.
Activity: early morning; nighttime.
Terrarium: keep ½ moist with moss, pieces of rotting white wood and also decaying leaves. Armadillidium ruffoi isopods require high humidity and good air flow. In their natural habitat they live near water. Check out also our premium substrate.
Temperature: 17 – 26°C
Humidity: 60 – 75%; they are not drought tolerant. They require good airflow, thus keeping the balance between higher humidity and adequate ventilation may prove a bit tricky.
Diet: fruits, veggies, greens, fish-food, decaying leaves, rotting white wood, molting of invertebrates and reptiles. And 2x times a week provide a source of protein. Be sure to check out our Protein mix foods. Also don’t forget a calcium source (cuttlefish bone, limestone & oyster seashell, limestone rock) to keep them healthy.
Difficulty: moderate.
Reproduction rate: these isopods are giving large broods although infrequently.
Growth rate: extremely slow. And that is their only downside; they grow painfully slow. In my 95 isopod species – so far – I haven’t seen any other isopod growing that slow.
Life span: 2½ years.

Isopoda World List

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keywords, tags: Armadillidium ruffoi orange skirt, product, in stock, webshop, sale, Armadillidae, rare isopods for sale, isopoda, pissebedden, Asseln, isopodes, clopotres, detritivore, pill bug, woodlice, roly poly, sow bug, crustaceans, care sheet, insects

See all the Armadillidium isopods for sale

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keywords: isopods shop, webshop, online shop, invertebrates for sale, arthropods for sale, Europe, EU

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